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What are the benefits of an up-to-date General Plan?
Undertaking a comprehensive General Plan update process and having a “modern” General Plan can produce many benefits for Santa Maria. The benefits are summarized below.
Create a consensus community vision for the future.
Ensure proactive growth and development decisions that manage the location, design and intensity of future growth.
Provide transparency in decision-making processes.
Provide certainty for those investing in the City.
Engage the community in a positive way about the future.
Build the next generation of community leaders through a robust community engagement program.
Create a document that is readable and usable by the public.
Implement recent State laws and guidance.
Ensure continued provision of high-quality public services from the perspective of fiscal sustainability.
Create policies for sustainability, green building, public health, arts and culture and other topics not currently included in the General Plan.
Provide access to State funding for planning and implementation.
Calculate the environmental impacts of buildout through a program EIR.
Create policies and programs to support the vision of the Santa Maria Transit Center, High Speed Rail and the proposed High Desert Corridor.
Avoid legal challenges that result from an out-of-date General Plan and EIR.
Create clear and objective standards to maintain control of housing decisions.
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