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Vision, Guiding Principles, and Areas of Change and Stability
The Vision Statement, Guiding Principles, and Areas of Change and Stability, describe aspirations and priorities for the General Plan Update. They were developed based on results of community engagement activities, input from City staff and City decision-making bodies, and data from the existing conditions analysis. The Vision Statement, Guiding Principles, and Areas of Change and Stability were approved by City Council on April 6, 2021 to confirm the General Plan direction prior to moving forward in the planning process into more detailed analysis and policy development.
The Vision Statement describes Santa Maria as the community would like to see it in 2045. The Vision summarizes the qualities and characteristics that are important to people. It supplements and clarifies the vision and direction in the existing General Plan Land Use Element.
The Guiding Principles establish the direction the community should follow and the major ideas that the revised General Plan will put forward to achieve the community’s shared Vision for 2045. If the Vision Statement describes “what” people would like, the Guiding Principles provide guidance for “how.”
During the next phase of the planning process, Plan Alternatives, the community will use objective metrics to compare alternative options for specific physical development and improvement that are based on the Areas of Change and Stability. Likewise, during the following phase, Policy and Plan Development, the community will consider specific
policies and action steps that are consistent with the Guiding Principles and achieve the Vision.
Read the Vision, Guiding Principles, and Areas of Change and Stability below:
Vision, Guiding Principles, and Areas of Change and Stability - English Version
Vision, Guiding Principles, and Areas of Change and Stability - Spanish Version
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