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The Policy Frameworks are a step in the General Plan Update process prior to drafting General Plan Elements. The frameworks highlight key direction for each General Plan Element including goals, policies, and implementation activities to achieve that direction.​


Nine policy frameworks have been prepared (see below). Community feedback on the frameworks will shape goals, policies, and implementation actions in the General Plan.


A summary of the policy direction that is new or different from the current General Plan is provided here. 

Policy Frameworks

Share Your Feedback!

The City of Santa Maria invites you to provide feedback on the draft General Plan goals and policies. There is a separate feedback form for each General Plan Policy Framework. 


Forms are open through March 2, 2025.

Conservation & Open Space

Conservation & Open Space Policy Framework
Policy Framework Feedback Form


Circulation Policy Framework
Policy Framework Feedback Form

Economic Development

Economic Development Policy Framework
Policy Framework Feedback Form

Health & Evironmental Justice

Health & Environmental Justice Policy Framework
Policy Framework Feedback Form

Land Use

Land Use Policy Framework
Policy Framework Feedback Form


Noise Policy Framework
Policy Framework Feedback Form

Public Facilities & Services

Public Facilities & Services Policy Framework
Policy Framework Feedback Form

Recreation & Parks

Recreation & Parks Policy Framework
Policy Framework Feedback Form


Safety Policy Framework
Policy Framework Feedback Form
Summary of New Policy Direction

The documents above incorporate new policy ideas generated from previous phases of the General Plan project including meetings with the community, City Council, Planning Commission, Technical Advisory Committee, and City Staff, and through extensive background research.


Frameworks policy direction that is new or different from the current General Plan is summarized below by topic.


Conservation and Open Space
  • New Element: Dedicates a new General Plan Element to topics that are in the Resources Management Element of the current General Plan to better align with State requirements.

  • Multi-functional Open Space: Develops open spaces for recreational opportunities, heat mitigation, stormwater filtration, groundwater recharge, and wildlife habitat.

  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reductions: Aligns City policy with State GHG emissions reduction goals.

  • Cultural and Tribal Resources: Protects resources unique to the area.

  • Community-Oriented: Integrates community engagement in conservation planning and programs and prioritizes community access to the benefits of conservation efforts. 


  • Resilience: Incorporates updated information on climate change and adaptation to satisfy State requirements, including resilience to the growing risks from extreme heat, floods, and fire.

  • Vulnerable Populations: Emphasizes supporting populations that are particularly vulnerable to hazards and ensuring these populations are adequately equipped to respond to potential hazard events.

  • Outreach and Education: Focuses on developing targeted outreach programs to educate the public on exposure to potential hazards and increase awareness of available programs and resources to address potential hazard risks.


Land Use
  • Complete Communities: Focuses on creating “complete communities” in which residents have easier access to daily needs and public amenities.

  • Design and Public Realm: Emphasizes improved design and pedestrian-friendly public spaces.

  • Land Use Compatibility: Strengthens measures to prevent and mitigate conflicts between incompatible uses.

  • Implementation: Identifies key implementation steps including Specific Plan and Zoning Code updates, new design guidelines, and annexation master planning.


  • Complete Streets: Emphasizes complete streets designed for safe and convenient travel by all modes, as required by State law.

  • Safety: Focuses on eliminating traffic-related fatalities, reducing injury collisions, and providing safe evacuation routes in the event of an emergency, as required by State law.

  • Vehicle Miles Traveled: Reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT), as required by State law.


Recreation and Parks
  • New Element: Dedicates a new General Plan Element to topics that are in the Resources Management Element of the current General Plan.

  • Expanded Access: Emphasizes park access for underserved areas, ensuring new developments meet parkland requirements and enhance recreational opportunities citywide.

  • Sustainable Parks: Introduces policies on water-efficient landscaping, resilient facilities, and environmentally friendly design for new and existing parks.

  • Community Partnerships: Expands focus on collaborations with schools, nonprofits, and private entities to support park access and recreational programming.


Public Facilities and Services
  • New Element: Dedicates a new General Plan Element to topics that are in the Resources Management Element of the current General Plan, including water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste, police, fire, public buildings, and libraries.

  • Annexation: Establishes clear policies for ensuring that newly annexed areas have adequate infrastructure, parks, and municipal services without neglecting existing portions of the city.

  • Proactive Growth Planning: Calls for regular updates to municipal plans to address increased service demand from population growth and annexation.


Economic Development
  • Broad Strategies: Prioritizes broader strategies, higher-level planning, and long-term flexibility rather than specific actions and operational details.

  • Strategic Partnerships: Emphasizes strategic local and regional partnerships that leverage the City's proximity to key assets and prioritizes high-growth industries while maintaining agriculture as a foundational industry.

  • Tourism as an Economic Driver: Aims to establish Santa Maria as a destination and expand the role of tourism for the city in attracting visitors, activating spaces, enhancing the quality of life for current residents, and attracting new talent.


  • Traffic Noise: Mitigates noise impacts from traffic, particularly from the highway and industrial and agricultural uses.

  • Temporary Noise: Minimizes temporary and construction noise and ground-borne vibration.


Environmental Justice
  • New Goals and Policies: Adds new goals and policies to advance environmental justice and health equity in accordance with State law.

  • Pollution Exposure: Focuses on protecting community members from pollution and improving indoor air quality. 

  • Physical Activity: Emphasizes equitable access to parks and recreation resources, active transportation infrastructure, and local transit.

  • Community Engagement: Focuses on accessible public meetings, diversity in boards and commissions, youth leadership, community benefits agreements, and ways to involve residents in land use decisions.


Planning Division 110 S. Pine St. Suite #101  Santa Maria, CA 93458 

Dana Eady, City of Santa Maria Planning Division Manager
Phone: (805) 925-0951 x 2444

  • City of Santa Maria Twitter
  • City of Santa Maria YouTube
  • City of Santa Maria Linkedin
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